

Cutting loose with the cutlass

2 GoodGymers made their way to help an isolated older person in Lambeth.

  • Danny
  • Elizabeth
Saturday, 28th of July 2018

Our Mission this morning in Brixton was the second of three Liz was blazing through in the space just 20hrs, nice one Liz!!

Our task was to tidy the back garden for our host, so gather up the few plants that had died, and the weeds which seemed to be doing really rather well.

Our lovely host stayed with us in the kitchen doorway and chatted as we worked, including refreshing us with some cans of chilled coconut water. It was still before 11am, so we swerved the 63% overproof rum he suggest we have to go with it.

It’s just as well we stayed sober as the next thing to emerge was his cutlass. Two foot long and razor sharp, his suggestion was that we might use it on the garden. Given that everything we were due to tackle was shorter than the cutlass was long, it didn’t seem appropriate – but it was fun to wield for a bit nonetheless (so in spite of the title, we actually didn't 'cut loose' with it at all, but it kinda sorta rhymes maybe...)

When we’d gathered up six black bags worth of weeds, dead plants and moss, we called out to our host to see what he wanted done with them. No answer. I walked through the flat yelling his name and still no answer. We resolved to take the bags out to the front and perhaps he might emerge in the meantime, but as we did so the door swung shut behind us, and we were out on the street.

Report written by Danny

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