
Community mission

Cut and rake, and then the cake

2 GoodGymers made their way to help the Wildlife Trust BCN, Luton and Dunstable Conservation Volunteers, and Luton Borough Council Parks and Countryside in Luton.

  • Lizzy Burch
  • Luton runner
Sunday, 17th of December 2023
Led by David Mansfield

The conservation volunteer team worked at a spot known as Warden Hill meadow, beside a bridleway known as 'The Slipe'. The location was familiar to Lizzy, as she remembered a previous task here on a snowy day in the depth of winter. On that occasion the icy temperature and bitter winter wind put to the test her commitment to Goodgym. Here she was again today with the sun shining in a blue sky although it was still somewhat chilly to start with. Tigger and she worked tirelessly on the thick thorns and scrub. Overgrown bushes and brambles were cut to the ground and the yellow flags mark the stumps, and by lunchtime the flags were running low, a phenomenal work rate from an enthusiastic and friendly team. There were baked potatoes from the bonfire with butter and cheese, followed by mince pies and a slice of conservation cake with our hot drinks.

Report written by Luton runner

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