
Group run

Cut above

3 GoodGymers made their way 4km to help their local community in Hackney.

  • anne malcolm
  • Joel Wiles
  • Jennifer McGill
Wednesday, 1st of November 2023
Led by Joel Wiles

3 GoodGymers cut back a 30 metre bed from a massive overgrown bush that was out of control!

Great work and chats with our great friends at Wilton Estate community garden!

With a massive bush getting out of control and effecting the light getting to the ground floor flats we got cutting to take it back to the roots and allow tge bed to be ready for some Spring planting very soon!

50 minutes of action and we had removed everything including some very determined bined weed!!

expert cutting skills on display and a great effort put in!!

Top work team!!

Report written by Joel Wiles

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London Fields mulching

Wednesday 18:30 - 20:00
Led by Joel Wiles
London Fields

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