Cereal V-isitor

1 GoodGymer made their way to help an isolated older person in Hammersmith and Fulham.

  • Lucy Hill
Friday, 7th of May 2021

It was my second trip to Mrs V’s this week, and I arrived drier and warmer than two days prior! She had put together another list of bits she wanted from Iceland, which we went through together. I didn’t want to get the wrong things, and despite working with doctors for the past ten years, I still wasn’t an expert in deciphering handwriting!

Once we had worked out together exactly what she wanted (from the more vague sugar to a specific request for a box of loose oats, not the individual sachet ones), I went off round the corner to the supermarket to pick up the goods.

Hamazingly, I managed to get everything in that had been asked for, and I’d even found a few cheeky bargains (4 for 3 on the soup, and a free packer de cracker). Mrs V had requested a few extra household bits too, if the £20 she had given me stretched, and I put those in the basket and paid with change to spare!

I delivered the bag of shopping back to Mrs V, who was most pleased with my haul, and thanked me for the soup-er job I’d done. We had another little chat on her doorstep, before I had to go. It was a Friday evening, and I arrived home... Cream crackered!!

Report written by Lucy Hill

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Monday May 10th, 2021 12:39

Well done, Lucy!

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