
Group run

Brushing it off

4 GoodGymers made their way 1.0km to help the Stepney Bank Stables in Newcastle.

  • Anji Andrews
  • Newcastle runner
  • Newcastle runner
  • Beth Paxton
Monday, 29th of May 2023
Led by Anji Andrews

What a glorious evening in both weather and satisfaction. At one point today I wondered if I might be solo on this session tonight and was ready to face it with my headphones and a podcast locked and loaded. But, happily, that was not to be as I was joined by Lucy, Louise and Beth.

Our Stepney Bank Stables tasks are never predictable (we rarely do the same thing twice!) and tonight was another new one as we had a satisfying upper body workout disguised as weeding and sweeping set up for us.

The ramp that runs at the side of the car park where the horses are taken in and out of the lower stables was the target tonight and the four of us got stuck in. I hope you can see from the before and after shots how different it looked! Louise and I swept (Dan- hurry back, your Mum has stolen your wheelbarrow duties!) while Beth and Lucy were weeding.

"This never gets done! It looks really good," commented one of the children passing by.

Lots of good chat tonight meant the time flew discussing everything from University Challenge to alcohol free cider. A brilliant way to spend a bank holiday evening.

There is a community mission this Wednesday, leafleting in Heaton. Come along if you can.

Report written by Anji Andrews

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Plogging and leafleting in Byker

Monday 18:15 - 19:45
Led by Anji Andrews

Stepney Bank Stables

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