
Community mission

Bringing the sunshine to a grey day

7 GoodGymers made their way to help the Jetsam , Portsmouth City of Sanctuary, and Portsmouth Residents and Visitors in Portsmouth.

  • Katie Carew-Robinson
  • Tony Hewett
  • Amy Claydon
  • Isaac
  • Thomas Cammack
  • Paul Claydon
  • Meranda Winter
Saturday, 5th of November 2022
Led by Katie Carew-Robinson

Despite the dull weather, we still turned out to clean the shore line along with the team from City of Sanctuary.

We didn't find too many big recyclables but there were quite a few smaller bits so still plenty to log on the Jetsam app.

Scott made the most of his wellies and pulled a flipper, a cone and something shaped like a toilet seat out of the mud!

We found pants, a sock and part of a sea shoe as well as a huge piece of rope.

We filled 3 bin bags in around 75 minutes, not bad at all. It's good to see that the area is looking cleaner than it used to. Great work everyone!

Report written by Katie Carew-Robinson

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