
Group run

Break a chair leg

8 GoodGymers made their way 6.0km to help their local community in Bromley.

  • Mark Gilyead
  • Hannah
  • Bromley runner
  • Bromley runner
  • Rosie Rich
  • Georgina
  • Sophia Kleanthous
  • Alex Ickringill
Monday, 20th of March 2023
Led by Mark Gilyead

Last night we had an outstanding octet of GoodGymmers running up and down a big hill (twice) and bagging a good deed in the process.

We met at the Bridge House, shared our dream living location (because the weather lately has been pretty dreary) and then we made our way up CP Park Road before descending to our task.

Lots of drama in this weeks task...

We met Jack (and Hannah and Alex) at the pretty damn impressive Kingswood House, a Manor House located in the middle of a housing estate. Mad. Jack gave us the lowdown on how he’d pitched a project turning the unused space into a community arts hub. It’s gonna be really cool.

Caught in the act.

His task for us involved moving a whole lot of furniture. There was a big room full of it, some which needed moving to other parts of the building and the rest which needed to be rearranged to sit more snugly in the room.

πŸͺ‘ First up we piled up and moved the chairs to one side of the room. Clare exclusively moved the wheely chairs.

πŸ”© Then we shifted some dismantled shelves downstairs as well as some big metal tables.

πŸͺ– Hannah and Alex found an old knights helmet. This was not part of the brief but it looked nice (see pics) despite smelling awful apparently.

Chain mail...

πŸ”— We finished off moving all the shelving and tables into the basement via a well coordinated human chain. The conveyor belt system worked a dream and we sent all the gear downstairs, with time to visit a super creepy room where a dog had clearly been scratching at the door :(

We bid Jack farewell and headed home with some more excellent jogging up and over the hill.

Amazing stuff everyone! ✌️

Report written by Mark Gilyead

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Mark Gilyead
Led by Mark Gilyead

Area Activator for GoodGym Bromley. Mostly runs for the train. On purpose obvs. Also helping to launch new GG areas with the central team πŸš€

GoodGymers helping out
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • Alex Ickringill
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Bromley runner

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πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈπŸšΆβ€β™‚οΈ Excavating Crystal Palace Museum's Water Tower Base

Monday 19:00 - 20:30
Led by Bromley runner

he, him

The Bridge House

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