Windsor and Maidenhead

Community mission

Board Games

6 GoodGymers made their way to help the Cookham Arts Club in Windsor and Maidenhead.

  • Slough runner
  • Amy L
  • Windsor and Maidenhead runner
  • Nick B
  • Windsor and Maidenhead runner
  • Tony
Sunday, 3rd of March 2024
Led by Amy L

We had lots of fun this evening helping the Cookham Arts Club take down and store their display boards and other equipment at the end of their Spring exhibition.

The storage space is under the stage - so this called for lots of squatting, crawling around and artful manoeuvres such as the 'boarding pass'. John from CAC was working with us so we could learn how to stack everything correctly. You could say we were at boarding school.

I did wonder at one point whether Juli and Jen would ever make it out from behind the boards we were stacking up in front of them - I loved their commitment to the task, but did't want them to go over board!

Thankfully there was a way out, but not before we'd made a human chain and had a game of Chinese whispers with Tony. Never a dull moment at GoodGym!

Meanwhile there was plenty to do outside the board room to keep Nick and Gillian from getting board. Wrapping paintings, dismantling tables and more shifting and lifting kept them busy.

Big thanks to the GoodGymers who got on board with this task! The board of the club were really pleased with what we achieved.

Title pun credit to Juli!

Report written by Amy L

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