

Bend It Like....A Mattress

2 GoodGymers made their way to help an isolated older person in Barnet.

  • Paul Salman
  • Latoya Stephens
Friday, 21st of October 2022

We went to bring a bed downstairs so Ms V can come home from hospital. She had a fall and will be unable to go up the stairs to her usual bedroom.

Coming down the stairs with the mattress, we had to avoid hitting the beautiful ornaments on display and so did some bending and turning which got it safely down and into the newly cleared room.

Before leaving we made sure the bed was sturdy and comfy for Ms V.

Report written by Latoya Stephens

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Paul Salman
Paul Salman
Friday October 21st, 2022 23:07

Nice pun! Look forward to the next one!

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Tuesday 18:45 - 20:15
Led by Paul Salman
Phoenix Cinema

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