

Beds Away

2 GoodGymers made their way to help an isolated older person in Newcastle.

  • Richard Borrowdale
  • Aimee
Monday, 16th of January 2023

Two GoodGymers attended Ms B’s home on a very chilly and snowy Monday afternoon in order to move a bed from upstairs to downstairs, ready for her discharge from hospital. They were met by Ms B’s son, who was very welcoming and grateful for the assistance.

With the help of a screwdriver and several trips up and down the stairs, first the mattress and then the bed were successfully transferred to their new home in the living room. A very fulfilling mission indeed!

Report written by Richard Borrowdale

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Tuesday January 17th, 2023 09:33


Richard Borrowdale
Richard Borrowdale
Wednesday January 18th, 2023 15:04

Thanks Becky!

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Stepney Bank Stables

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