

Bed-side story: the sequel

2 GoodGymers made their way to help an isolated older person in Newcastle.

  • Newcastle runner
  • Aimee
Friday, 17th of November 2023

Aimee and I formed a twosome for our second task of the week when we completed a speedy lunchtime mission for Mrs T.

Back in March, Aimee and Rae moved a bed downstairs so that Mrs T could safely come home from hospital. Here’s their report as a reminder (

It was great to hear that Mrs T has improved enough to be able to move back into her bedroom. We were pleased that Aimee’s memory that the bed wasn’t too heavy proved to be correct. Taking the bed and the mattress separately we completed the task quickly - allowing Aimee some spare time in the rest of her lunch break!

Mrs T and her neighbour were delighted and curious to know more about GoodGym. Another example of minimum effort on our part making a big difference to an older person!

Report written by Newcastle runner

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Bristol runner
Bristol runner
Tuesday November 21st, 2023 14:33

Great stuff both and great to hear that Mrs T can now sleep back upstairs again - well done!

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