
Training session

Alive & Kicking

5 GoodGymers made their way on a training session in Southwark.

  • Ian Gostling
  • Dom Tooze
  • Emma
  • Emily
  • Civ Sivakumaran
Wednesday, 1st of July 2020
Led by Ian Gostling

This week 5runners took part in our weekly online Fitness Session and social.

The theme for our chosen exercises was based on Martial Arts training. I've been watching a few kung fu movies lately which inspired the idea!

So we worked through 15 minutes of drills including squats, kicks and core work, before testing out our balance on each leg trying not to put the other foot down! A great workout for the glutes and stabilising muscles in the hip.

After the fitness session we caught up on all the things we have missed recently, especially a love of singing!

See you next week for our next session Wednesday 6.45pm.

Report written by Ian Gostling

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Group Run: Litter Pick Bingo + Monthly Social [Peckham Bowls]

Wednesday 18:30 - 20:15
Led by Sam Lefevre

Old Spike Roastery

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