
Group run

A round and a Bout with the Undie taker

0 GoodGymers made their way 3km to help their local community in Hackney.

Friday, 15th of March 2024
Led by Anastasia Hancock

There was no doubt that the report for Two Circles' litter picking session had to include a sports pun. Unfortunately a WWF reference was the best we could do, however it goes without saying that the team knocked it out of the park!

We began by meeting at Old Street station for a brisk walk over to Haggerston Park, where we were met by park warden Martin who gave us two options for the afternoon's community activity. Our group opted to help create a safe, welcoming and more beautiful space for the local community by giving the area a good clean up. So grabbing our litter pickers we headed off to grab as much rubbish as we could.

It was only right that we included a competitive element to the task so decided we would challenge each other to find the most interesting item, the heaviest and the most filled bag.

There was plenty happening in the park as we did the rounds. There was the man feeding dozens of squirrels, the many matches being played (did you know that these parks have the biggest concentration of football pitches in Europe?) and off course we kept an eye on the mulching team working hard in the woods.

After 45 minutes of hard work we had picked up masses of microplastics and other rubbish. It was Tom and Luke who came out victorious for finding the heaviest item and the most unusual - a pair of undies!

Everybody did a great job making the area safer, cleaner and more sustainable. Two Circles for the win!

Report written by Anastasia Hancock

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London Fields mulching

Wednesday 18:15 - 19:45
Led by Joel Wiles
London Fields

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