
Community mission

A litter two fishy

3 GoodGymers made their way to help the Surfers Against Sewage in Bristol.

  • David Head
  • Janka
  • James C.
Saturday, 18th of November 2023
Led by David Head

Great to be joined by Ashley and Janna to meet our host Mark to get on board again to help surfers against sewage. We scaled the wall down to a safe plaice on the banks, and started to hook litter into our council provided bags. Fish of the day were 2 fishy toys, caught on camera. With only 8 pairs of fins we accumulated 6 full bags of litter , swimming the extra mile to clean under the bridge path too. We were fully bladdered by our efforts and migrated back to our spawning grounds. 👏

Report written by David Head

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David Head
David Head
Monday November 20th, 2023 18:36

Got both names wrong. Brain like a gold fish. James and janka

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