
Community mission

A litter bit of talking does us all good

8 GoodGymers made their way to help the Slough Refugee Support in Slough.

  • Manjit Birk
  • Slough runner
  • Pam Banga
  • Agnija Cimoska
  • Slough runner
  • Mehdi
  • Mohammad
  • Ehsan
Wednesday, 12th of July 2023
Led by Manjit Birk

This was our second task especially planned for the team at Slough Refugee Support. A while back I did some work with the English class wearing another hat and one issue they highlighted was that they wanted to volunteer in the community but didn't know how to.

Its good to talk

The class members just needed a lead, a link, a way in to make this happen for them.

So I thought the perfect way to combine intergrating into the community as well as practising conversational English was to do a special GoodGym task just for this class.

Last month we went to Salt Hill Park and did a litter pick there. And today we went to The Jubilee River for another environmental litter pick.

Noreen the class teacher had given them key words to find and with an even split of the class members and GoodGymers off we went to talk, walk and find our key word items! With 17 of us in total we were bound to collect a few bagfuls!

I'm so pleased that after last months session Mehdi, Mohammad and Ehsan all decided to come along to our Monday evening group sessions too! They have now been on 5 sessions with us!

I am very happy to meet this group and I will be even happier to be able to help people improve their condition and thank you for your good management, Mrs. Manjit.

This was a lovely email Mohammad sent me last week and it really warms my heart that we as a group are able to welcome these guys with such open arms and that they feel so part of the team.

We hope more class members will join us on other sessions soon. This is how communities are formed and how we make Slough a better place.

Report written by Manjit Birk

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Friday July 14th, 2023 22:21

We are starting to

Friday July 14th, 2023 22:21


Friday July 14th, 2023 22:21

inks with so

Monday July 17th, 2023 12:38

We are starting to make links with people in our community who are seeking asylum and have had several sign up for our group. They are really getting stuck into the tasks. I was wondering how you went about linking up with the language class. Do you think that is something worth trying here in Luton?

Manjit Birk
Manjit Birk
Monday July 17th, 2023 15:02

Hi Gill, I did a piece of work with the class wearing another hat hence why I was able to talk to them about GG and the benefits of getting the class out volunteering. Maybe you could just approach Luton refugee group and ask if their English class participants would benefit from gg visiting them and getting them out doing tasks?

Sunday August 13th, 2023 22:22

Thanks Manjit.
Small world, I was my church this morning in my GoodGym tee shirt as I was going straight to a task. One of the guys asked me to speak to a new comer who had recognised my shirt. It was Ehsan who has been in your GoodGym. He’s moved to Luton and we are hoping to welcome him into our GoodGym group soon. So pleased to welcome hi

Sunday August 13th, 2023 22:22


Manjit Birk
Manjit Birk
Monday August 14th, 2023 07:40

Gill that is amazing! I hope he comes to your sessions soon

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Manjit Birk
Led by Manjit Birk

Area Activator for Slough....Running is my passion....Marathons to park runs and anything in between.

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St Mary's Church Clean Up x 6th Birthday Fun

Monday 18:30 - 20:15
Led by Manjit Birk
Upton Court Park

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