

A King Sized Wedgie

2 GoodGymers made their way to help an isolated older person in Sheffield.

  • Max
  • Natalie G
Thursday, 28th of April 2022

GG Max and I went to move a mattress from an upstairs spare room to make space for medical equipment. However the stairs were very narrow and the mattress VERY large! I got wedged underneath it on the stairs but with much furniture rearranging from Max and wiggling from me, we eventually managed to bend it into the hallway and then outside for collection. The resident was very grateful of the extra space!

Report written by Natalie G

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James Smith
James Smith
Thursday April 28th, 2022 20:52

Great title. Hahaha!

Friday April 29th, 2022 19:37

Haha nice one!

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