A Good(Gym) Friday

2 GoodGymers made their way to help an isolated older person in Hammersmith and Fulham.

  • Lucy Hill
  • Matt Curran
Friday, 2nd of April 2021

The plan was to start the Easter bank holiday weekend with a good deed. At least I thought it was...

Matt & I were signed up to help move some furniture for Miss C at 9:00. Early, but if Jesus could rise from the dead, I’m sure we could rise from our beds. I waited outside Miss C’s flat, and after fifteen minutes I was starting to worry a bit. Not because Matt wasn’t here, but because it was getting a bit chilly. I joke, and managed to get hold of Matt, who had thought we were meeting at 10! He then had to get ready in record time and rushed to meet me, whilst I let J, Miss C’s friend, know we would be coming and we had had some... administrative issues causing delay.

Poor Matt rushed up and after he had caught his breath, I was about to buzz into the flat, when Matt let out a groan. In this day and age, it’s not just keys, wallet, phone’, it’s ‘keys, wallet, mask, phone’ and Matt had forgotten his face covering in the rush to get here.

It was okay, we were GoodGymmers and we could overcome any challenges set in our way. We wandered round to King Street, where I cheekily asked at the COVID testing centre if we could have a mask, as we were doing something very good and helpful. The security guard gave a wry smile, ‘We don’t normally do this but...’ and came back with a blue mask for Matt.

We thanked him and jogged on back around to Miss C’s, where J, who had been patiently waiting, let us in.

Miss C was coming home from hospital, and needed a hospital bed to help facilitate her discharge. Therefore the lovely purple sofa and her coffee table needed to be shifted out of the way to make space. The flat was only very tiny, but Matt & I had become some sort of unofficial furniture movers in the local area (I think this was our third task together doing this!) and we were able to squeeze the sofa out of the living room and into the corridor, then round to the old bedroom without knocking anything off the walls. Success.

The sofa cushions and coffee table followed suite, and after a little readjustment to make sure Miss C’s cats could still get to their little trays, it was mission complete.

All of that waiting and rushing and the job was done in less than ten minutes! J thanked us, as there was no way he would have been able to do any of that himself, and after quick pet of Angelina the cat, we left, safe in the knowledge that whatever had happened this morning, we had done our good Friday good deed!

(Matt also promised that next time we have a mission together, he will be on time... so watch this space).

Report written by Lucy Hill

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York runner
York runner
Tuesday April 6th, 2021 10:51

Great work both!

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