
Group run

A fork in the road

8 GoodGymers made their way 4km to help the Lark Lane Neighbourhood Association in Liverpool.

  • Sophie McClellan
  • Laura Waller
  • Jo G
  • Sian Phillips
  • Julie Inge
  • Eleanor Crossley
  • DaveMol
  • Gerard Turk
Monday, 4th of March 2024
Led by Ema Quinn

Despite some rather miserable spring weather in Liverpool, 8 dedicated goodgymmers met for our usually Monday night task.

After a quick, 2 mile run, we met lark lane neighbourhood association and headed off down the lane to clear up any and all discarded litter!

We were all quite pleasantly surprised by how clean it appeared and felt like we had to really search for the litter. This meant it was all the more satisfying when we realised we had gathered 7 full bags!

Strangest find goes to Jowho found a fork in the road! (how poetic)

Well done everyone it was clear to see the impact we had!

Report written by Sophie McClellan

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Teaming up with Friends of Everton Park!

Monday 18:30 - 20:30
Led by Sallyann Hardwick
'A Case History' by John King (The Suitcases)

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