
Group run

Helping Out a Primary School? That’s Write Up Our Street!!

9 GoodGymers made their way 7.2km to help the Palace Road Nature Gardens and Streatham Wells Primary School in Lambeth.

  • Yianny
  • Lambeth runner
  • Frances Collier-Wright
  • Michael Welsh
  • Lindy Macfarlane
  • Katy Hulm
  • Lasso Traore
  • Inny
  • Amy Lane
Tuesday, 22nd of November 2022
Led by Yianny
he / him

So last night was a Two for Tuesday PLUS we had a brand new GoodGymer PLUS another little milestone for Inny so lots of good stuff going on.

We were delighted to welcome Amy to the Lambeth community for her first task and Group Run, thanks for coming down and getting stuck in! For those keeping a track on these our category this week was if you could have any item from anywhere in the world in your house (or garden) what would it be? This week's winner had to be Katy who would bring the chocolate waterfall and river from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory to her house (no Oumpa Loumpas were harmed during this discussion).

It was one of our longer runs up to Palace Road and there to meet Gerry at the Nature Gardens to help with a small task and then on to Streatham Wells Primary School to clear away their now defunct chicken run.

Frances was on her bike and Lasso meeting us at the tasks so they started off helping out Gerry shift some green waste from the street side round to the compost area at the back, it was two loads each but nice to be able to help out on our way!

The rest of the group headed 50m further up the road and discovered Maya had somehow clambered over the 20 foot fencing and made it into the school (or been let in by Stephen the maintenance person). There was an enormous amount of very heavy paving stones, chicken wire, a rabbit hutch and lots of odds and ends that needed carrying round to where the skip will arrive on Wednesday morning.

Check out the pics where you can see Good Jim was raring to go with the fob for the school, all the lifting and shifting, tools of the trade and a lovely group photo.

Runners started to peel away on the run home, thanks Lindy and Michael for keeping me company and chatting on the run as well.

See you next week!

Report written by Yianny

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Led by Yianny

Area Activator for Lambeth, LiRF Run Leader, predominantly held together by string and tape!

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Katy Hulm

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Helping Out the Pulross Centre Tuesday's Group Run !!

Tuesday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Yianny

Papa's Park

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