
Community mission

Need a little space? GoodGym comes to the rescue

2 GoodGymers made their way to help the Odd Down Community Fun day in Bath.

  • Mary Caudle
  • Ruth
Sunday, 7th of July 2024
Led by Ruth

Odd Down let its hair down today as fairground rides and stalls took over the sports ground for its annual community fun day.

GoodGym were called in to help make sure that chaos didn’t reign in the car park. Mary was deployed spotting spaces while Ruth’s authoritative pointing seemed to have little effect on drivers determined to park as close to the venue as possible. The GoodGymers got very creative at inventing new spaces.

Wise words from Mary who warned that we must make sure there’s room for a fire engine to get through. Two minutes later a fire engine actually turns up! It came past safely, although it did have to negotiate the motorists trying to get the nearest spots. Fortunately it was one of the attractions, not sent to deal with an unfortunate disaster at the fun day.

We even managed to help with a bucket collection for three charities - Julian House, Wiltshire Air Ambulance and Odd Down Community Association, while we worked. ODCA gives grants to local charities eg paying for kit for the walking football group, funding plants for a team wanting to brighten up part of the area and supporting youth sessions for children on the edge.

All in all a good job well done - and to cap it all Mary took home a posy (because she’s worth it).

Report written by Ruth

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