
Community mission

99 super happy amazing juniors!

3 GoodGymers made their way to help their local community in Crewe.

  • Karen Whitehead
  • Maurice Fitzgerald
  • Nigel Whitehead
Sunday, 23rd of June 2024
Led by Karen Whitehead

A busy morning at junior parkrun in Queens Park, Crewe, and 3 GoodGymmers Karen, Maurice and Nigel were on hand to make the magic happen! Following a check of the course we decided to cut out the section by the lake due to the amount of goose and swan poo, so a small adjustment to the course was needed.

Volunteers organised, course changed, lots of first timers meeted and greeted, and everyone warmed up, they were off! Its incredible to see so many juniors running, walking and skipping, holding hands with their friends and their parents and chatting away - of course there some who were so fast they didn’t have the breath to chat! We love their enthusiasm and the fact this opportunity exists for children of all abilities to take part in a free weekly event, and their parents can join in too.

Between them, Karen, Maurice and Nigel carried out the roles of volunteer coordinator, course check, course set up, marshal, photographer, and course close-down, and were rewarded with a relaxing morning on the cafe terrace , catching up on the week’s events and plans with other lovely volunteers. The best way to spend a Sunday morning!

Report written by Karen Whitehead

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Supporting The RSPCA - Date TBC

Wednesday, 7th of August 2024 18:00 - 20:00
Led by Nicola Marshall

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