Parkwood Springs Forest Garden Feb 2024

2 Goodgymers helped their local community in Sheffield
Caroline Thomas

Saturday 10th February

Report written by Rachel (she/her)

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Two GGers, Caroline and Rachel headed up once again to the lovely forest garden at Parkwood Springs.

I'm always amazed at how much I can learn with Goodgym. We learnt:

  • the differences between male and female Seabuckthorn and that many people make the mistake of buying just the female, but then don't get fruit if there's no male nearby
  • Filbert is similar to Hazel. It has catkins (the male part), and tiny flowers that look like a sea anemone (the female plant) on the same branch. Because they had both they're hoping to get some nuts (although the squirrels will probably get them all!)
  • the intricacies of pruning blackcurrant bushes
  • the gossip about the new Parkrun starting up
  • much more besides!

Lovely spot, lovely people, lovely snacks! We'll be back again soon

Session Leader
This task supported
Friends of Parkwood Springs
Our country park in the city

Parkwood Springs is an amazing natural 'wild' space close to the centre of the city of Sheffield. There is woodland and heath, open parkland, and a range of natural habitats where wild lupins bloom, kestrels hover, and deer have been seen again. There are spectacular views over the city centre, the suburbs and the distant moors of the Peak District.

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Caroline Thomas
Join us on our next session


Park Hill Litter Pick - FREE refreshments afterwards at South Street Kitchen
🗓Today 10:00am

Keeping the local area spic and span and enjoying a posh coffee after

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