Paint it nice!

10 Goodgymers helped their local community in Richmond
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Monday 7th February 2022

Report written by Jack Concanon

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This evenings task was Goodgym all the way through - we were asked to help with some painting and decorating at Certitude, this was a new task for us and it was great to find out the task owner is also part of Goodgym, we're getting around!

The run was a fairly long 3.7km which the group absolutely smashed.

The task owner got us quickly to work, repainting the kitchen and an outside fence, luckily we brought some serious numbers. A solid job achieved by everyone we finished up and headed home.

Well done to everyone and looking forward to the next one.

Session Leader
This task supported
For the life you want

Certitude provides support to people with learning disabilities, autism and mental health support needs across the capital, from essential round-the-clock support, to helping after a period of crisis to rebuild connections in the community.

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Kerry Willans
Jack Willans
Adam Stephens
Sam Jones
Susan Martin
Jack Concanon
Join us on our next session


Let's get physical - digging up woodchip at Landmark Arts!
🗓Saturday 10:00am

Doing the groundwork so that they can lay a new, accessible path

BethMaena D'Auria
7 GoodGymers are going

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Bernadette O'Neill

Thu 10th Feb 2022 at 9:05pm

I really can't thank you all enough. It was incredible what you all achieved in such a short space of time. The garden is looking so much clearer from the cutting back and fresher with the lick of paint on the fence. The toilet and kitchen painting is looking amazing and is well received by staff, the people we support and family members too. It really has made a huge difference and we are eventually going to turn the kitchen space into a relaxation/activity area by adding sensory lighting and equipment for everyone to enjoy! Thank you...thank you...thank you!