I.D. Verde happy to help in litter-ally any way(side) we can!

18 Goodgymers helped their local community in Kingston upon Thames
Nicky West
Mark Barun
Jane Yelloly
Nicola Cage-Brimelow
Claire Murphy
Kate Haworth
Luke Thornton
Nik West
Taki Austin
Di Dansey
Lorena Miranda
1 / 31
Kingston upon Thames

Tuesday 15th January 2019

Nicky West
Nicky West


Richmond runner


Mark Barun
Mark Barun




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Report written by Richmond runner

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It was a great turn out tonight with 18 of us gathered at the Guildhall for a super long but super informative briefing with lots of news packed in: Summary as follows

  • CONGRATULATIONS 1st Nicky earned her wings! Well done on 100 good deeds Nicky!

  • Sadly next week is Nic C's last run with us, a message will be going out about a drink after next week's run to say farewell and celebrate all the great runs she has had with Kingston

  • We have smashed our January Challenge and are top in our division but lets keep going and see how much more we can do!!!

  • There is an Unofficial unoffical Goodgym Socialisng facebook page which talks about all things Goodgym, advertises socials centrally and gives you the chance to vote for 'pun of the month' - Check it out!

Tonight we also welcomed two new runners - Di and Lorena , lovely to meet you and have you run with us and well done to Alice and Taki on her second run with Goodgym Kingston.

Although it was a super long briefing and a taxing warmup with 'What actual pressups?!' We still had some puff left to take on a scenic run to the Wayside Garden in Surbiton.

Once there we were greeted by Andrew of I.D Verde who gave us a brilliant gardening tutorial and instructions on tonights task.

We were asked to pick up all the litter, dig up all the weeds, pull down the ivy and even show some love to the other side of the road so Lovelace Road got some TLC where we took part in a therapeutic hedge trim and was claimed 'GOOD JOB Goodgym' by passers by : - )

All that was left to be done was to have two great group photos - one in the middle of the road (Beatles style) without upsetting a single driver and then a usual suspects pinned against the wall before we made a clean get away and a steady run back to make use of the stairs at Guildhall for stretching every muscle we have I think!

Great job all and looking forward to next week already - Keep logging those miles!

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Kingston upon Thames

Tidy up at the Hogsmill Community Garden
🗓Sunday 16th February 10:00am

Tidying the site up to improve the area

Petra Stockelmayerova
Kieran O'ConnorFarzeen HuqHelen
5 GoodGymers are going