Greatest Of All Time

2 Goodgymers helped their local community in Bath
Meyrick Williams
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Saturday 4th November 2023

Report written by Meyrick Williams (He/Him)

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Due to meteorological good fortune, the heavy rain of overnight gave way for a few hours on Saturday morning, perfectly aligning with our GoodGym mission to Bath City Farm.

A firm (farm) favourite, today's outing was unusually under represented. Just two of us made it, but as GoodGymmers are superhuman this was like a small army of course.

Kate and Meyrick both arrived early, clearly eager to have that question that we all have in the back of our minds answered when visiting this wonderful farm: "Will it involve manure?"

It involved manure. At least to a certain degree. We were asked by our genial hostess if we could provide some home improvements to one of the Goat enclosures, including the interior of their 'house' by bringing as much wood chip down from the car park and laying it atop the much muddied (and pooed upon) ground.

Relatively straight forward as this sounds, the difficulty at Bath City farm is that the 'stuff' is normally at the top of the hill and the 'job' is normally near the bottom. Bit of a work out if I'm honest but I reckon we did 6 trips, with a wheelbarrow each, in the hour we were given.

Hopefully the Goats appreciated it, Pocket, Rocket, Fern and Rocky certainly seemed happy, although they did appear to be eating the new flooring.

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Bath City Farm was set up by the local community in the early 1990s, when the resident farmer retired. It gained charitable status in 1995. Over the past 17 years there has been considerable progress on site, including introducing our Soay sheep, goats, chickens, ducks and pigs, a pony and most recently a flock of guinea fowl

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Meyrick Williams
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Helen ConnerMeyrick WilliamsVicky MesserCosmo BornFelicia Britton-Read
5 GoodGymers are going

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