Get Fit, Deliver Good(s)

2 Goodgymers helped their local community in Barnsley
Kirsty Harding
James Smith

Wednesday 4th October 2023

Report written by James Smith

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This arvo we were helping the BCDP with their efforts to aid the homeless of Barnsley. Alongside their drop in session where people can go to Buckley Methodist Church to receive a hot drink and food they also deliver to people unable to get to the church. This task fell to GoodGym on this occasion.

We made up a flask of coffee and gathered some cups with lids ready to distribute it to the people we found on our round. We also packed some carrier bags which were filled with sandwiches, chocolate, crisps and juice to give out alongside the hot drinks.

There were two destinations given to us to visit. One was a well known location where one person is usually camped in the town centre and the other was in the grounds of a church. We found the first person but the people in the churchyard appear to have moved on.

After delivering our goods we headed back to Buckley where we debriefed Jack, Jo and Trev before heading off to stretch back at Glasshouse TableTable. Quite a distance was covered tonight so this stretch off was very welcome.

Session Leader
Area activator
Run leader
This task supported

Providing a hot meal and support for the homeless, addicted and those in need.

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Kirsty Harding
James Smith

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