Four to the floor!

4 Goodgymers helped their local community in Newcastle
Matt Douglas
Dan Laws
Michael Wisely
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Wednesday 6th September 2023

Newcastle runner


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Report written by Newcastle runner

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It was a night of fours tonight. Firstly, we welcomed our fourth new member of the week! Welcome Matt and congratulations on your first GoodGym mission - hopefully the first of many!

So that meant four fabulous GoodGymers for our mission - to deliver four hundred leaflets for our friends at Food Cycle. Food Cycle take donated food and prepare three course meals for anyone who needs or wants one. They have four centres in Newcastle (and one in Gateshead) and tonight we were spreading the word about their new centre in Benwell. The streets of Benwell were lively tonight! You might almost say that the residents were out in fource!

I will admit that when I saw the pile of leaflets I doubted whether we would manage to deliver them all. I should've known better! I mean, we're expert leaflet deliverers right?! Would you believe me if I told you we finished the task in forty four minutes? Well Ok, I might've used a little poetic license there, but it was definitely in the forties!

We had a full leg work out tonight too - it's not called GoodGym for nothing! There were squats to the ankle height letterboxes in one estate, step challenges up to the houses in other streets and hill reps up and down the Benwell streets. Just what we need four days before the Great North Run!

All in all, a tour de "fource" of a task tonight! Join us for our next session - a beginner-friendly session on Monday 11th September, meeting at Stepney Bank Stables at 6.15pm and helping our friends at the Ouseburn Trust in the Ouseburn Valley. Oh, and there'll be a BBC TV crew filming us. If you're a little camera shy we can make sure you're out of shot. Hope to see you then!

This task supported
FoodCycle Benwell
Week in, week out, we nourish the hungry and lonely in our communities with delicious meals and great conversation, using food that would otherwise go to waste.

We cook and host a FREE meat-free 3 course meal for anyone in the community who wishes to join us. Looking for volunteers to help reach as many people by doing leaflets drops for us around the neighborhood

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Help out at Stepney Bank Stables
🗓Tomorrow 6:15pm

Jobs for everyone at this amazing space

AimeePaulaAnjaliScott McDonaldDamu
6 GoodGymers are going