Monday 21st August 2023
Report written by Simon Fitzmaurice
Our Goodgym Islington crew met up again at The Arsenal Community Centre last night to run towards Elizabeth House Food Hub off Gillespie Road for the final time this Summer. The third of three visits from our team over the Summer Holiday period, offering some relief for the incredible group of volunteers who operate this vital resource. We ran together across the Emirates Stadium concourse, and down to Highbury Hill, before meeting up with Nathalie and the team (and David who caught us at the task).
A large collection of bags full of essential supplies and donated food had been prepared for us all to deliver to at least 7 households in the immediate area (plenty of spots on the Blackstock Estate). In pairs, our Goodgym volunteers methodically dropped off each bag to their respective owners.
Upon our return, we then helped with closing down the centre- collapsing tables, cleaning and sanitising all surfaces and sweeping the community centre floors. Any excess food was then sorted into the kitchen and fresh food storage areas, or collected up for organic waste and composting. But not before being offered to anyone in need of extra peppers, lettuces, courgettes, pears or huge marrows!
We concluded our evening with a steady walk together back to the Arsenal Community Hub. Excellent work everyone! We will return for a Special Bank Holiday group run to Highbury Quadrant next week!
Goodgym Islington News
Caledonian Park Junior parkrun - Summer Time Marshal Help!
The team at Caledonian Road Junior parkrun (a free weekly timed 2km run designed for youngsters and families to run safely and independently - ages 4-14) are in need of more marshals and volunteers to allow the event to happen. Many of the core helpers are away for Summer, so any assistance would be hugely appreciated. It's the best way to start a Sunday!
Sunday 27th August, 8.45am:
Goodgym x Jog On Recycling Clothes Swap and Group Run @ The Running Works
Wednesday 23rd August, 6pm, The Running Works, Aldgate
Come join us for a social group run with Goodgym and The Running Works, in collaboration with Jog On and Athletic Brewing Company! We will be hosting a clothes swap and donation drive for running and athletics kit as well. A great night to be had!
Achilles International- Guide Running in Green Park and Picnic!
Thursday 24th August, 6pm, Green Park Underground Station
Goodgym have been collaborating with Achilles International for the last 3 years for our weekly group run sessions with visually impaired runners. On Thursday, we will be marking the end of our summer runs in Green Park with a post-run picnic before reverting back to our sessions at Paddington Rec Track and Emirates Stadium.
Come and join us, no matter your guiding abilities!
Penn Road Gardens Open Volunteer Morning
Sunday 27th August, 10am - midday, Penn Road Gardens, Islington
Every last Sunday of the month, the residents of Penn Road invite keen volunteers to help with maintaining this lovely community spot just off Holloway Road. Local volunteers will be on hand to direct anyone who arrives to offer their help between 10am- midday. Come on down to enjoy a lovely morning community task!
Bank Holiday Monday Group RUN- Highbury Quadrant Gardens
Monday 28th August, 6.45pm, Arsenal Community Hub
Back at Highbury Quadrant to build up this lovely community garden space with Octopus Community Network. Please note that although we are meeting at the Arsenal Community Hub, we will not have access to the bag drop or WC facilities this week. Back to normal next week!
SEPTEMBER SOCIAL- Medal Monday at Victoria Tavern, Holloway Road
Monday 4th September, 8.45pm, Victoria Tavern, Holloway Road
Come and join us for delicious £7 pizzas and refreshments at The Victoria Tavern, to celebrate our achievements over Summer (especially to those racing at The Big Half!)
GoodGym London Monthly Social (GG Camden), Thursday 14th September, TBC
The first (of hopefully many) monthly drinks in London. Come and meet other GoodGymers and toast each others achievements. We'll be celebrating those on the Heroes Board from August and maybe even deciding which recent puns are worthy of accolade. The venue is TBC but will be somewhere fairly central with good transport links.
A Monday evening session at The Rose Bowl Youth Centre near Canonbury!