A Meeting Of Kinds

1 Goodgymer helped their local community in Barnsley
James Smith
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Wednesday 28th June 2023

Report written by James Smith

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We were off a tad early tonight as we had a meeting to attend at a new task location with new taskholders, before even doing our good deed!

Arriving in good time at Buckley Methodist Church in a new part of Barnsley where we never usually venture, we met the familiar faces of Tall Peter and his Grandson Jack. They were meant to be introducing us to a fellow from the church who had some tasks in mind for us to complete as Community Missions in future. Unfortunately the meeting had slipped the guys mind so Peter got on the blower to the fellas wife who promptly sent him on his way to meet us.

In the mean time GoodGym made themselves useful.... of course... no sitting still for us!. We ran around the nearby streets in the obligatory pink BCDP vests in loops (so as to keep checking whether the guy who we were meant to be meeting had arrived yet) looking for homeless people to direct to the church to receive a hot drink and snap bag. People requiring directions were few and far between though, most folk requiring the churches services already knew the way. There were just a couple who needed telling where exactly to go.

After a few loops it was time for our meeting. We met with Steve and his pal who we had a chat with about what it was possible for us to do for them and when. He then showed us what needed doing. The garden out back had become massively overgrown with thorny bushes which Steve was unable to tackle by himself due to health issues. It was decided that with another chaps help, who would bring us a strimmer and an extra pair of hands, that a weekend date would be arranged in the near future, with possibilities of coming back for other tasks too. Yay!!!! Numbers were exchanged with everyone in attendance for future fabulously fun frolics.

A very productive evening for GoodGym Barnsley! Just in time for a new member starting soon too! Things are on the up!

Session Leader
Area activator
Run leader
This task supported

Providing a hot meal and support for the homeless, addicted and those in need.

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James Smith

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