Rachel Evans


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Rachel Evans
Rachel Evans has done their first good deed with GoodGym. 🥇

Tuesday 13th November 2018

GoodGym Runner

GoodGym Runner

Rachel Evans has done their first good deed with GoodGym.

Rachel is a now a fully fledged GoodGym runner. They've just run to do good for the first time. They are out there making amazing things happen and getting fit at the same time.

Mark BarunNicky West

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Nicky West

Wed 14th Nov 2018 at 7:06am

Lovely to meet you yesterday. Hope to catch up on a mission at some point. We have lots of community missions coming up which are good fun.

Mark Barun

Wed 14th Nov 2018 at 7:51am

Great to meet you Rachel - Welcome to Goodgym. Do keep an eye out for the missions and community missions too as there are many ways to get more involved with Goodgym!

Richmond runner

Wed 14th Nov 2018 at 9:25am

Lovely to meet you Rachel

Rachel Evans
Rachel Evans went on a group run

Tue 13th Nov 2018 at 6:45pm


Kingston upon Thames Report written by Mark Barun

Well the runners tonight wondered if they were simply being given the run around! Not just because they had signed up to one task last week to have it all change the following. No that was understood and accepted as a fresh challenge. But this was because they were, simply being asked to run ‘around’ … Guildhall Kingston that is and, on each lap, a different physical challenge would wait for them as they reappeared. But fitness is what they came for and by GOD fitness is what they did. Squats, dips, step ups press ups …Oh the list goes on and well played to each and every one of them as they got stronger with every rep! ‘Now on for the run right’ I shouted to which came the reply ‘We are ready ….. TO GO HOME NOW!’ But of course, even if they felt that way there was a run to be had and some Good to be done and tonight we were running to a new task!

St John’s Church on the borders of Kingston is an Anglican Church and great place to worship! It is a super friendly church filled with the most wonderful people (A Bit like Goodgym eh!). This great organisation is a pillar in the community too offering many groups for people to be part of, from volunteering to help at homeless shelters, mums connect group, recovery courses, back to work sessions and many others. I think I even spied a walking group and park run team too, so it has even more in common with GG!!!

Anyway, our task was to help get the outside areas looking smarter and cleaner for those that come to enjoy the experience there! We had a tight time agenda following a fitness session, warm up, run, briefing, talk of short shorts, Oh and a debate over nuts and plain crazy (I shall say no more). We had two carparks and a side entrance to get looking presentable, so free from weeds, leaves and some mulchy type substance that was happening under all of it! We smashed it … Well the runners did and I am honoured as ever to run with them and see what great good they do to support others.

The task owners were delighted, I got a hug ; - ) and we even had traffic hooting us as they passed by. Not sure the last one means much but it added to the triumphant atmosphere. All that was left to do was to pull our shorts up (or down) and make a speedy light run back for some stretching and pun swapping when we returned to Guildhall.

Thank you, St John’s, for having all the tools in place for the task

Welcome Rachel and hope that you do go on to try some missions as we discussed Great back marking (even if lonely and dark) Caroline!

And Toby we offered up a prayer at the church for your injury so hope all is mended soon for you!

Applause again for our Samia soldiering away to be top of leader board for 3 months of good deeds with GG!!

Look up those community missions all and don’t forget the Fulham 10km – details here https://www.goodgym.org/happenings/adidas-city-run-fulham10k-race-volunteering

Look forward to seeing you all next week !

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Rachel Evans
Rachel Evans signed up to a group run.

Tue 13th Nov 2018 at 6:45pm

TASK CHANGE : We are now helping at St John's Church!

Help improve the ambience and upkeep of the outer area of this great community church!

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Kate Haworth