14 GoodGymers have supported Ujala Foundation with 10 tasks.
Monday 24th June 2024
Written by Manjit Birk
What a hot day! I think it put a fair few off from coming tonight as we only had Jean and I attend...
But that didn't mean a thing as we got loads done! We had a lovely walk before the task then did a few stretches before heading over to the Ujala Foundation for a garden weeding task.
The back garden was looking a little weedy so Jean and I did what we could to pull them out, sweep up the area and generally make it look better.
I think we succeeded!
Next week we will be helping Raggy Rd Allotments. Meeting at Salt Hill Park at 18:30.
Tuesday 2nd April 2024
Written by Manjit Birk
What's up with the April showers! A bit of sun would be nice but the extra daylight is definately welcomed!
This evening it was less of a 'group' session and more of a 'pair'
With only Peter and I in attendance supported by task owner Gaye, we went with an earlier start time to take advantage of the light. We hadn't factored for the rain so were a bit drowned by the end but none the less we managed to get the two beds fully turned over.
Although the aim of the task was to remove the garlic and potatoes. The poor worms though that had their evenings uprooted by us probably weren't too happy!
I'm away now until the 16th so next weeks task is being led by Helen.
Monday 25th March 2024
Written by Manjit Birk
It was a much smaller than usual team out tonight helping Ujala Foundation with their community garden. Thank you to Peter and Jean for coming along tonight to help.
Jean and I got there early tonight so we took advantage of the light and went for a mile run around the block and got back just in time as Peter arrived.
Our task owner Gaye was already in the garden waiting for us. It was lovely to see her again. Gaye told us the areas to focus on. The garlic bed!!
You could really smell the garlic as we dug deep and pulled out all the 'hairy' roots! With the fading light we worked as quick as we could and did manage to get one strip of the bed turned over.
We will be back again next week to do some more.
Tuesday 13th June 2023
Written by Manjit Birk
After having to cancel last nights session due to lightening and heavy rain I re raised the task for this morning.
Only I could attend but I knew the Ujala ladies group would be there to give a helping hand.
So 3 of us spent a bit of time weeding around the front of the building.
Tuesday 25th April 2023
Written by Manjit Birk
This session was yesterdays session but yesterday was full of heavy downpours so tomorrow we thought would be a better day!
And what a better day it really was. A bit chilly to start with but before long we are ditching the coats as we cleared two more paths.
The area we have been working on is now having wildflowers seeded.
Its all coming along nicely!
Monday 3rd April 2023
Written by Manjit Birk
We were back at Ujala Foundation to continue with the garden makeover.
With the wet weather recently all the weeds had reappeared in the bed we cleared a few weeks ago so it was back to work in that area again.
Peter, Sandy and I are now expert diggers and it was lovely to have Jen join us on her first time at this task.
My legs ached at every move so my vocal sounds may have sounded a bit pained but je pense its because I just ran marathon de Paris!!!
With more daylight it was actually good to see what we were doing for a change!
Well done on a great task!
There is no task on Monday next week but there will be on Saturday! Helping Slough Outreach with a store room tidy up.