People keeping Well Network in Dore and Totley ( Headed up by Age UK Sheffield)

Funded by the CCG and headed up by Age Uk Sheffield the ' People Keeping Well' aims to prevent lonliness and social isolation encourage active ageing

Hi My name is Joanna Glaves and I am the Community Development Worker for age UK Sheffield. Over the last year and a half I have been working in the Dore and Totley area to tackle loneliness and isolation through a mix of social prescribing and setting up activities that the community feel would benefit them. In order to reach as many people as possible we distribute a newsletter every 3 months in the area. We struggle to get volunteers to deliver them and need help to get them out to as many houses as possible.

24 GoodGymers have supported People keeping Well Network in Dore and Totley ( Headed up by Age UK Sheffield) with 1 task.

Top supporters

Previous sessions
SheffieldGroup run
RachelRob KenningHannah McCormack
Tom (Harman) HintonTom Mutton

Leaf 'n' let Die...

Monday 25th February 2019

Written by Tom Mutton

We welcomed 3 new runners along to @GGSHEFF tonight a big whoop, hola and cheers for;

  • Alicia Lauckner
  • Nuala Deans
  • Jane Lovett

Hope you enjoyed it and will be back again!

This week we were back to delivering the people keeping warm leaflet for Age UK.

After a brief brief we split into 4 teams, led by able TASK FORCE TEAM CAPTAINS;


Each team had a different area of the city to focus on and got straight to work pounding the streets and delivering door to door, letting people know the services available to the elderly in the area.

Flyer's were flying out of peoples hand!

Leaf-let it go, let it go....

We re-grouped at base and headed straight up the STRAVA segment of Howard St and then off to the delights of the NCP car park and up the stairway to heaven or my likely hell!

From door to door to floor to floor!

Once we were on the top and out of the dark and into the car park we had a small amount of time to do some paired work on running technique looking at arms this week and concentrating on keeping the arms going forward, not side to side and getting a good backward arm drive. One to watch in others and keep in mind on your next run.

Until next time, happy running! :)

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