Irish Community Care Merseyside

20 GoodGymers have supported Irish Community Care Merseyside with 3 tasks.

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Previous sessions
LiverpoolCommunity mission
Pauline HarrisonEmma NibbsSam KnottTim DwyerSophie McClellanMatthew

Cabinet Re-Shuffle

Wednesday 8th January 2020

Written by Matthew

For this Community Mission eight of us turned up for part two of the office move for Irish Community Care. Three of the staff had given up their evening in order to help. The main job was to move eight cabinets and their files into one room as the charity is streamlining their operations. Each cabinet was really heavy and full of files. We initially started to empty the cabinets of the files but quickly realised that this was going to take hours and so with the aid of a trusty truck we managed to manoeuvre them, files and all and the task was done in just over an hour. Amazing job everyone and they were over the moon with what we did. Thanks goes to Tim for the pun.

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LiverpoolCommunity mission
Pauline HarrisonChar BinnsMatthew

Movin' On Up (And Down And Around)

Tuesday 7th January 2020

Written by Matthew

Three intrepid Good Gymers, Char, Pauline and Mat went to Irish Community Care to help them move office equipment around as part of the streamlining of their operations. This task was laying the foundations for the main move, which Good Gym are doing on the 8th of January. After moving some smaller items we got down to dismantling some desks, which was no mean feat because we did not have the right screwdrivers but with some persistence Char and Pauline were not defeated. Aided by some chocolates and cups of tea the task was done in no time at all. Now on to part 2.

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LiverpoolGroup run
EffieChar BinnsPauline HarrisonTim DwyerHelen FesseyMillie

GoodGym Wenceslas took out, things that they weren't needing

Monday 25th November 2019

Written by Char Binns

This is a tale of 2 Christmas trees, 5 filing cabinets, a stack of chairs and 17 runners. Pull up a chair and get comfortable and then we'll begin...

Twas the night before Tuesday and all through Liverpool lights were glistening in trees. Up in the Georgian Quarter, a dream team of 17 red-clad runners meandered through the city streets, elegantly side-stepping pedestrians, hopping over wet leaves and patiently waiting at traffic lights.

Soon the team came upon a magnificent building, shining through the darkness, with the letters LCVS emblazoned on its front. They stepped inside where a humble gnome (ahem, security guard) gave directions onwards to a new land behind a locked door, and there, they would make magic happen....

It's NOT EVEN THE 1st DECEMEBER! So that's enough of that.

It was our first visit to Irish Community Care Merseyside but we were greeted like old friends with warm smiles, squash and biscuits. The bulk of the task was to help move around office furniture, ahead of the orgainsations' office down-sizing in January. The team made light work of carrying heavy filing cabinets, bookshelves and stacks of chairs.

Next door, in true Krypton Factor style, a sub-team managed to assemble two Christmas trees before decorating the entire reception area (and each other, right Molly and Baptiste!?!).

With the task finished in record time, the team was suppppppeeeerrrrr excited for an extra long fitness session. Their excitement levels rose as the rain became to pour while we ascended back to the Georgian Quarter. Once outside the Metropolitan Cathedral it was deemed too wet to do our usual steps based session there, so instead we did high knee drills and a little strengthening and conditioning. Fun times!

Fantastic work, one and all. Well done to you for beating this damp winter and continuing to get fit while doing good - you are the bees knees!

More of the same next week; sign-up today!

Until then, happy running <3

P.S. Kudos to Tim for coming up with a pun (again!!).

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