Hainault in Bloom

Community Gardening to improve local area
This is a resident and station led project to create a place that is lovely for locals to walk through with planters full of flowers and everygreens.

12 GoodGymers have supported Hainault in Bloom with 39 tasks.

Top supporters
Redbridge runner
James C
James C (he/him)
Anit (He/Him)

Previous sessions
RedbridgeCommunity mission
Sharon Graham

Sunshine and watering at Hainault station

Sunday 23rd June

Written by Redbridge runner

A lovely sunny and warm morning to take care of the community garden. Lots of rounds of watering, which was made much easier with the new hose that I am not leaving there!

Sharon and I gave every planter a good soak and filled the containers to help flowers through warm days!

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RedbridgeGroup run
James C

Mild evening with a mild task and jog

Monday 20th November 2023

Written by Redbridge runner

James and Julia met at the station, the two motivated goodgymmers to get out on Monday evening! We started off with an easy task of weeding the planters and clearing them up from litter - things are not looking too bad as cleaners must be helping. Whilst we were there one bad individual left a ciggie in there! We noticed that cigarette bins have been removed which will not help matters. Ah well! We then topped up the planters with fresh compost to get everything ready for flower planting next time. Surprising the planters are looking really good without too much care and there are still begonia flowers in bloom!

As it was only two of us and no walkers, we went for a very easy jog and talk - running around Fairlop Waters was delightful, only birds around and with our strong bike lights it was easy to see where we were going in the dark. It was great to put a proper run in!

We forgot to take a photo but James remembered on his run back home and took a selfie!

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RedbridgeGroup run
Elegia ClanceyJames C

Fo' Shizzle it was a Drizzle

Monday 23rd October 2023

Written by Redbridge runner

It was a nice evening to meet up and do some GoodGym socialising! We all met outside the station and James was there a few mins before and already started picking out cigarette butts and some litter out of the planters. We noticed that the flowers were beautiful though some were missing! It's always expected with public planters and it doesn't happen as often thankfully!

Julia was in charge of filling up the watering cans whilst Ele and James did a fantastic job filling up the planters that are under the bridge that don't get the benefit of all the rain that we've been having! Though James was very keen to water the wet planters, even if it started to rain again;)

Once we watered and tidied up, equipped with good cycling lights, we went for a Jog & Walk to Fairlop Waters. It's just sooooooooooooooo lovely to run in the park as a group in the dark. There were just a couple of peeps and some fisherman tents so it was nice and quiet and felt safe running as a group. The lake looked super lovely. We jogged and walked at a very relaxed pace and saw some early Halloween decorations on the way round the lake! Spooooooky!

Talking of spooky - next week we will be in Wantstead for Halloween litter picking so come and join and BRING YOUR SCARIEST WEAR! WHOAAAAHAHAHAHHA! We will also grab a few social drinks afterwards for those who fancy it!

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RedbridgeCommunity mission
James CHelen Doyle

Watering the stations plants

Monday 9th October 2023

Written by James C (he/him)

We both got to the station a little early, and with no key or as we found out bus drivers call it a budgie key and train drives call it a j key.

We spent closer to 40 minutes filling up the water of the plant trays, and clearing away some of the cigarette butts and the so called disposable e cigarettes. Whilst chatting and catching up. We called it a day and headed out separate ways, with a satisfaction of a mission well done.

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RedbridgeGroup run
Elegia ClanceyLinda SharmanJames CHelen Doyle

Dark skies, bright spirits!

Monday 25th September 2023

Written by Redbridge runner

It's hard to believe the warm temperatures we are having end of September but it provided for a lovely evening to have a Goodgym Monday session.

We had some early arrivals who managed to littter pick around the station prior to the start! Well done! Also big welcome to Ele to Hainault sessions!

Once we all arrived, we made our way to the rec grounds collecting litter on the way. We were treated to wonderful sunset skies - amazing to have all this nature just a few mins away from the station meeting point!

Chatting and litter picking, we made our way to wonderful Fairlop Waters lake where we divided into joggers and walkers. As the night started to draw in we got our lights out, making our jog and walk safe. The walkers Linda and Helen cut their session a bit short and headed out whilst joggers Ele, Julia and James completed the second loop around the lake and made their way back. The bonus was Ele catching the tube with seconds to spare!

A lovely session, lovely company and lovely return to running in the dark, which is just so special!

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RedbridgeGroup run
James CLinda Sharman

A tale of watering cans, flowers and man-eating spiders

Monday 11th September 2023

Written by Redbridge runner

On a much cooler evening we met up at the station for some bicep-busting watering of community planters.

Linda was in charge of litter picking and later mopping up, whilst the test of us were filling up the watering cans and then filling up the containers for plants to drink over the next few weeks. It was great to see that someone - local community or station staff - been watering some of the planters during the heatwave, which does show that people appreciate a bit of greenery to spruce up the area!

It took us good 45mins to get everything done and dusted! Helen went off for her jacket potato din dins (yum!) whilst Linda, Julia and James went off for a walk around Hainault rec where the skyscapes were fantastic and provided an awsome nature background to our walk!

well done everyone!

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