Libby Eastwood


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Libby Eastwood
Libby Eastwood signed up to a community mission.

Sat 20th Feb 2021 at 4:30pm

**ONGOING COMMUNITY MISSION** Joining the Barts Volunteers as Active Hospital Responders OR at the NHS Covid-19 Vaccination Centre, ExCeL

We have been asked to partner with Barts Volunteers on these two activities in the weeks ahead...(and you pick your slots!)

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Libby Eastwood
Libby Eastwood went on a group run

Mon 17th Jun 2019 at 6:45pm

Digging deep to find the roots

Tower Hamlets Report written by Chi Nwa

I would first like to give a big welcome to Chloe, Kate, Rachael, Victor, Lorhaine and Saorla. Hopefully you endjoyed yourself and you will come again. Tonight was a big group of enthusiastic runners looking to do good in the community of Tower Hamlets. The evening was a double whammy with their being 2 task to pick from. The 2 task were flyering in the near by estate about a new performance happening soon and the other was going to Meath Gardens to help clear weeds and rubbish. I would like to welcome the new comers and I hope the treats and the other Goodgymers made you feel welcomed.


The group started of with saying their name, number and favourite drink. It seems Gin is the drink of the day with this group We did a nice 5 min warm that involved some squats, lunges, running on the spot, hand to toes and some other hamstring dynamic stretches.

"The Split"

Nikki and Lieke took the 2 Dave’s away from some stair climbs while the rest of the group followed me to Meath Gardens while Kat helped me out by being the Back Marker.

The run was a short one with the group reaching the task without breaking a sweat. We met up with the 3 Meath Garden helpers who then explained the task to us and split us into 3 groups. They all took a corner each of the park to get down and dirty on. The group did well with the time that had and also taking the time to talk to one another and making it feel like a true social group. To push the group at the end I gave them a countdown like the crystal maze to let them know when the task would finish. I can see the competitive side came in because the was ripping out weed like that was gold underneath the soil. It was great work by the team and the difference could really be seen.

"Fitness time"

Meath gardens is one of my favourite places because it has one of the fitness equipment it had there. The group got split up into smaller groups and we each had a go on each piece of equipment. The list of exercise were:

Monkey Bars Plank Sit-ups Jumping over logs Pull-ups Knee to elbows Hangs Inverted pull ups Dips Press-ups 1 lap run.

This helped make the runners aware of what there weakness or strength might be. Looking at all of their faces i can see that everyone tried their hardest. After a final lap round we headed back to the hotel where we stretched and gave each other high 5s.

Extra News: * If anyone is interested in helping out at the blind sport session in mile end then click here for more information.

  • If anyone is interested in doing the goodgym Olympics then click here and represent Tower Hamlets. Its always fun.

  • If the group is after abit more of an adventure with a fun run then click here.

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Chi Nwa
Libby Eastwood
Libby Eastwood signed up to a training session.

Sun 13th Jan 2019 at 1:00pm

Winter warmer bootcamp

To get ready for summer, we should train in the winter.

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Libby Eastwood
Libby Eastwood signed up to a race.

Sun 4th Mar 2018 at 9:00am

The Big Half

Run your first half marathon with GoodGym and the Big Half

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Libby Eastwood
Libby Eastwood signed up to a training session.

Sat 18th Nov 2017 at 10:00am

Training for the Big Half!

Training run in Tower Hamlets to begin prep for the Big Half in March!

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Libby Eastwood
Libby Eastwood signed up to a group run.

Mon 24th Apr 2017 at 6:45pm