Doiminic Bell


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Doiminic Bell
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Sun 5th Mar 2023 at 7:00pm

Quizzy Quizzy Let's Get Busy!

Chelmsford Report written by Fay Downing

10 GoodGymers put their brains to work for the evening at the Ale House Pub quiz. We welcomed new member Doiminic who joined us for the first time for the evening after chatting to us at Parkrun a few weeks ago. We also congratulated Rich on his half marathon that morning and said "hi" to Charlie who popped in to see us on her way to a friends.

Things started to get competitive as we split into two teams, Andy's Cucumber Shortage and The Also Rans. The rounds started well but seemed to get progressively harder as time went on. Fortunately that wasn't a problem though. After Joel requested a stewards enquiry with the judges it turned out that the Cucumber team came first (not last as originally announced!) and The Also Rans came joint fourth. A very good effort all round.

As we had so much fun we'll be putting the quiz in the social diary again for next month. We also have a social at the end of April, going for a Sunday roast at the Riverside Inn. This week's task is leafletting for Foodcycle, you can sign up here

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Fay Downing