

You know when you've been brambled!

2 GoodGymers made their way to help an isolated older person in Sheffield.

  • Sheffield runner
  • Ash
Saturday, 6th of May 2017

2 GoodGymers interval trained nearly 4 miles across Sheffield to get to Mr B. After a technology fail meant we lost the address 3/4 into the run, a quick decision was made to double back. But luckily the Goodgym Gods blessed us with a bit of charge, plus a friendly postman lent us his pen to pop down the address, and we were back on track, arriving 1 min behind schedule.

Bright Mr B welcomed us in and showed us the task. Wild weeds had whirled their way in and wound around his garden (mainly brambles, stinging nettles and ivy). Provided with a spade, 3 bin liners and some scissors, and using our thick gloves today we have achieved:
- pulling up and filling 2 big bin liners with garden waste, picking up and filling 1 big bin liner full of rubbish (to Mr B's dismay no gold was found unfortunately) - clearing the weeds near Mr B's house, digging the soil over - pulling up twenty-two year old tangled carpet in our time team adventure
- uncovering the garden path - Mr B had forgotten he had one

After 1 hour and 45 mins of clearing we completed our mission with a cup of coffee and a chat with Mr B before interval training our way back home, 3.2 miles this time. With another technology fail at the task, we were unable to take a full set of after photos, so we have drawn an after plan diagram instead :)

Report written by Sheffield runner

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Sheffield runner
Sheffield runner
Saturday May 6th, 2017 15:14

Another technology fail (they come in 3s right?) - Ash was there too!

Sheffield runner
Sheffield runner
Saturday May 6th, 2017 15:35

Ooops. Now understand each individual has to log their mission : )

Tom Mutton
Tom Mutton
Wednesday May 31st, 2017 10:15


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Showroom Cinema

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