

Who let the JOY out!

2 GoodGymers made their way to help an isolated older person in Brighton.

  • Tara Shanahan
  • Amro
Sunday, 7th of April 2019

On a glorious, partially sunny, Sunday afternoon me and Tara headed off to a lovely area in Hove to help Mrs. D with some gardening. Once we arrived, it took us a while to alert Mrs. D that we are waiting outside. We were then welcomed by Mrs. D and a chubby 5 year old Dachshund dog with a big character, her name is JOY. Joy wasn't so happy to see us at first but Tara used her dog whispering skills to befriend Joy and after we got her approval we proceeded with the mission. We were surprised how big the back garden was, Mrs. D asked us to start with mowing the lawn in a hedged off bit of the garden. She showed us where the tools were but the tricky part was that the lawn mower and the strimmer were both dismantled and the parts were scattered around the house. Employing Tara's excellent resourcefulness skills and my mediocre problem solving skills we managed to find the missing parts and assemble the tools using reverse engineering, it did feel like solving one of those Escape Rooms challenges. Two people were required to operate the lawn mower; one to turn it on and another to guide it since some of the parts were broken and we couldn't steer it easily. Joy was cheering us on and she made sure we got the work done up to her standard. Mrs. D was pleased with the work we did and she even offered us juice, water and beers! We didn't accept the offer, although it was tempting, since we needed to wrap up everything and complete the mission before the rain sprinkle started. We said our goodbyes to Mr. D and we headed off back on our separate ways feeling a lot happier for completing another GoodGym deed.

Report written by Amro

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Brighton runner
Brighton runner
Sunday April 7th, 2019 22:04

Dog whispering skills - I love that xx

Redbridge runner
Redbridge runner
Sunday April 14th, 2019 08:26

Phenomenal before and after pictures. Great work both!

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Angel of Peace

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