

When We're Glazing Windows....

2 GoodGymers made their way to help an isolated older person in Brighton.

  • Brighton runner
  • Martin Carolan
Saturday, 16th of February 2019

Fresh from Parkrun, Martin and I headed to see Ms D to help her with some double glazing plastic sheeting. I think it's safe to say that Martin and I were all but experts by the time we finished and should keep Ms D's flat warm for the rest of the winter.

Ms D is an avid plant grower with various planted pots about her flat and a lover of India and their food. She got us to try Coconut Chutney and Yogurt, an interesting combo, and worth trying if you like Goan cuisine.

Report written by Brighton runner

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Rachael Salway
Rachael Salway
Sunday February 17th, 2019 09:43

Well done and thanks guys, sounds like a successful mission!

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Tuesday 18:15 - 20:00
Led by Jane Dallaway
Angel of Peace

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