
Community mission

Weed did a lot!

2 GoodGymers made their way to help their local community in Crewe.

  • Karen Whitehead
  • Maurice Fitzgerald
Thursday, 5th of May 2022
Led by Karen Whitehead

A lovely evening in the sunshine achieving so much! Maurice and Karen weeded, tidied, planted, fed and watered at the Wishing Well allotment. We planted cauliflowers, cabbages and mangetout- these will soon be growing as well as the potatoes we planted a few weeks ago!

It was good to see young people at the centre making the most of the sunshine, doing arts and crafts in the garden and chatting away. We also met a lovely gentleman who called in to see us, he keeps the local area free from litter as part of his way of keeping active and combating his memory problems.

Report written by Karen Whitehead

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Supporting The RSPCA - Date TBC

Wednesday, 7th of August 2024 18:00 - 20:00
Led by Nicola Marshall

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