UnBELLeivable Jeff

1 GoodGymer made their way to help an isolated older person in Hammersmith and Fulham.

  • Lucy Hill
Monday, 8th of March 2021

My second Monday mission was to get some shopping in for Mrs S, and to have a look at her dodgy doorbell. However, on arrival, she apologised but her sons had come round at the weekend. Not only had they got her some shopping in, but they had also fixed the faulty bell. I didn’t end up doing anything, but I got out of the house for a bit. Therefore there are no photos, so have a picture of my cat instead. He has a bell around his neck, so basically a photo of the task. Meow.

Report written by Lucy Hill

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Thursday March 11th, 2021 13:46

Well done for giving this mission a go, Lucy. Your cat is beautiful!

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