
Community mission

The Ravensbourne Identity

1 GoodGymer made their way to help the St Mary's Church in Lewisham.

  • Bromley runner
Saturday, 6th of April 2024
Led by Kim Parker

One Goodgymmer sneaked over from Bromley to Lewisham to do some incognito gardening. A large pile of wood chip needed moving and raking to replenish the paths and the muddy route to the compost heap in the therapeutic garden. After a lovely welcome from the volunteers and an audacious bee, our undercover Goodgymmer got to work. Chips were shovelled, barrows were wheeled and selfies inexplicably avoided. There was even time for a cup of tea afterwards, where our Goodgymer's true identity was revealed! It all ended happily with an extensive debrief of a crisp packet.

Report written by Bromley runner


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Help in the garden at the Ladywell Unit

Monday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Kim Parker
Glass Mill Leisure Centre

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