Suite Disposition

3 GoodGymers made their way to help an isolated older person in Hammersmith and Fulham.

  • Arba
  • Lucy Hill
  • Matt Curran
Sunday, 14th of March 2021

Three of Hammersmith & Fulham’s finest joined hands (not literally, remember there’s still a pandemic going on) to help get Mrs M home. We were greeted by Mrs M’s family, and B, her husband, let us in and showed us the jobs we needed to get done.

We needed to get rid of the furniture from one room, then move a three piece suite across the corridor to that room, and so the room that the sofa set was in would the space for a hospital bed and equipment, so Mrs M could be discharged home safely. Phew.

We assessed the first room. There were two sofa beds, two shelving units and a heavy desk that needed to come down the stairs, plus a mattress from the next flight up. We got to work, Lucy and Matt manoeuvred the first sofa bed down, then tag teamed Arba in. Before we knew it, we had a bit of a system in place - Lucy and B taking to half way, and Arba and Matt bringing the furniture down the final set of steps and placing it outside on the drive for collection.

The first room was emptied. Sofa so good. Part two was to get the settee selection across the hall into the newly cleared room.

We started with the two-seater, which after a bit of twisting and turning to angle it through the narrow doorways, moved from one side of the house to the other. Matt then decided we should take the feet off the three seat settee, as we didn’t want to catch it on the doorframe (which was a bit risky on the slightly smaller one). Whilst Matt got to work with a key task, Lucy and Arba moved the armchair across the corridor.

This was probably the hardest part of the task! There was definitely a reason the task had three of us there, as Arba and Lucy made hard work of getting the single seat out the door. Matt, who had finished unscrewing the legs, watched on painfully. The girls had got the giggles badly, and Matt had to step in and save the day, as Lucy and Arba struggled to angle the chair, and eventually we got it through!

The final sofa was easier, now it was legless, and we slid it across the hall smoothly. Lucy fixed the feet back on to the three piece, as Arba and Matt helped bring the last bits of furniture from upstairs to the newly emptied room. Ta daaa. Job completed, and in just over half an hour. Many hands make light work, and we were certainly glad to have had Matt’s two hands around!

Report written by Lucy Hill

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Removed User
Removed User
Monday March 15th, 2021 18:13

Great job done - and some giggles on the way too!

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