

Step One: Strim & Rake

1 GoodGymer made their way to help an isolated older person in Hackney.

  • anne malcolm
Sunday, 28th of May 2023

Mr J has a large garden but is sadly unable to maintain it himself due to health issues. Age UK called on GoodGym's help to lend a hand and allow Mr J to enjoy the garden again.

The task was originally listed for 2-3 volunteers. However, with a sunny bank holiday upon us, volunteers were a little thin on the ground. So, it was agreed instead that Anne would make a start on her own and further help could be booked to complete the task at a later date if necessary.

When Mr J opened the door to the garden, it was clear that more help would be needed! The first narrow stretch of garden is filled with glorious roses and shrubs. These hide the extensive garden beyond, comprising patio area and large grass area with flower bed, trees and more roses. In among all the wonderful plants was a blanket of weeds, brambles and self seeded saplings making themselves quite at home in the urban oasis.

Mr J was quick to equip Anne with a range of tools, including spade, loppers and a strimmer. After a quick assessment, it was agreed that the focus for today's task would be weeding and tidying the first stretch of garden.

The soil was hard and the weed roots were deep. Progress was slow. Until Mr J advised using the strimmer to cut back the weeds in the flower beds, and then rake up the debris. And thus the game plan was hatched. An hour and a half later, two bags of garden waste were filled and taken out for collection.

There is plenty more to do so watch out for another listing soon!

Report written by anne malcolm

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Tuesday May 30th, 2023 13:20

Great work Anne! Thanks for making a start on this one!

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