
Group run

Sort it. Stick it. Hang it.

8 GoodGymers made their way 2.0km to help the Croydon Refugee Day Centre in Croydon.

  • Croydon runner
  • Liz
  • Alicia
  • Rosalind Vince
  • Ingrid Buchanan
  • Audrey
  • Paul Usher
  • Sivan
Tuesday, 18th of April 2023
Led by Liz

7 GoodGym members met at Solutions on a sunny Tuesday evening. After a short warm-up, the team jogged to the local refugee centre. Ros joined the group on route and we received a warm welcome at the centre from Ivanka.

Ivanka explained the tasks for the evening and the team decided the role which they would play. The team sorted through new donations, checking the quality. Size stickers were stuck onto the clothing, the clothing was put onto coat hangers and then hung on the appropriate clothing rack. At the end of the evening, the team tidied the racks away into the cupboard before running back to solutions for cool down stretches.

Well done team!

Report written by Liz

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Led by Liz

GoodGym Croydon Run Leader

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Alicia

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Gardening with Pam

Tuesday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Conroy
By the seats in the park area

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