
Community mission

Scouting around

3 GoodGymers made their way to help the Trinity Close Residents Group in Solihull.

  • Fiona Ross-shiel
  • Rob
  • Stockport runner
Wednesday, 15th of September 2021
Led by Rob

We had a surprise visit from meera who had travelled down from Manchester to see her family so thought she would join us for a GG Mission. Our original task at Trinity close was cancelled at the last minute but Rob secured another mission at one of our old tasks just down the road at the scout hut. So Rob,Meera and Fiona travelled in convoy to the side garden area. Luckily we found some gardening tools and bin bags and we were able to tidy up and weed the garden that we used to maintain pre-covid. Unfortunately no cat pictures this time but it was a real pleasure to be back and lovely to have a catch up with Meera and Rob of course.

Report written by Fiona Ross-shiel

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Led by Rob

GoodGym Solihull runner

GoodGymers helping out
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • Fiona Ross-shiel
  • Report Writer

    Be in charge of writing the session report

    • Fiona Ross-shiel

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