
Group run

Policed To See You!

5 GoodGymers made their way 6.0km to help their local community in Crewe.

  • Nicola Marshall
  • Hazel Faddes
  • Crewe runner
  • Phil
  • Maurice Fitzgerald
Wednesday, 10th of April 2024
Led by Nicola Marshall

What a lovely evening spent with lovely people - the norm when out with my lovely Goodgym friends.

Once again, we were blessed with good weather... especially after so much rain in the days preceding tonight‘s task.

Tonight was an extra special night, as the lovely Kat was celebrating her birthday! What a true Goodgym die hard to come and spend her birthday night leafleting with us lot!!! You are a legend Mrs Arnold!!

Kat, Hazel, Maurice, Phil & Nicola started the evening with a brisk circular walk from the Sherborne bungalows down past the cemetery and back up and through the estate to our task starting point. We put the world to rights as always - tonight’s main topic of conversation being potholes and brown bin charges!

The lovely Hazel greeted us and told us all about our task for the evening. Tonight we were delivering leaflets to the estate to promote a Police drop in for residents of the estate. We managed to get all the leaflets done that we needed to and we really hope that the clinics have lots of uptake. And thank goodness we had Hazel to guide us around the estate! I think we’d still be there now if it wasn’t for you Hazel!!!

To celebrate Kats birthday, we headed off to the chippy once we’d finished our task, for some birthday chips! It was lovely to stand outside eating our chips still in the daylight! I do love spring!!!

Well done, everyone on another amazing task achieved. And Kat, we hope you enjoy the rest of your birthday!

And finally, a shout out to some of our regulars who couldn’t make it this evening. You were very much missed.

Have a great week, everyone.

Lots of love Nicola xxxxx

Report written by Nicola Marshall

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Supporting The RSPCA - Date TBC

Wednesday, 7th of August 2024 18:00 - 20:00
Led by Nicola Marshall

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