
Community mission

"No-Dig" for Victory!

2 GoodGymers made their way to help the Common ground community garden, Abbeydale in Sheffield.

  • Rachel
  • Celine
Saturday, 20th of January 2024
Led by Celine
she/her or they/them

Sadly we had some last minute drop outs, so it was just Celine, Rachel (me) and Maria from Common Ground this morning. At first we thought Maria might have forgotten, but then we saw her trundling up the bank with a wheelbarrow laden with tools.

Small numbers and cold weather didn't deter or hinder us from our task, which was to cut back brambles/ivy/weeds from an overgrown area to create a "no-dig" bed. The idea is you just cut back the worst, cover with cardboard to stop the weeds returning and top with compost. The no-dig proved to be a slight misnomer, especially with Celine, who was determined to dig out some stubborn roots!

The bed is now ready for planting in spring. Amazed with how much we achieved with so little time, we mulled over future possible tasks and admired the lavender planted on a previous visit!

Report written by Rachel

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Monday 18:30 - 20:15
Led by Tom Mutton
Showroom Cinema

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