
Community mission

Never Too Mulch of a Wood Thing

2 GoodGymers made their way to help their local community in Hackney.

  • John Shirley
  • Sofia Lopez
Tuesday, 5th of September 2023
Led by Joel Wiles

Alice walked from Holborn and John ran from Camden, while much-travelled Sofia didn’t have far to come this time for her first task in Hackney. We were asked to lay sticks in a wooden planter, to allow for aeriation under the composted leaf mulch. But how was the leaf mulch to get there? We wheelbarrowed it of course, after shovelling it out of a large heap.

Having flexed our muscles to keep ourselves physically fit, we moved on to work on our mindfulness with some artistic painting. Well all right, we sploshed some green paint on wooden blocks. But it was very satisfying, it was still light when we finished, and we had time to make the most of the warm late summer evening.

Report written by John Shirley

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London Fields mulching

Wednesday 18:30 - 20:00
Led by Joel Wiles
London Fields

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