
Group run

Make do and bend

6 GoodGymers made their way 2.6km to help their local community in Southwark.

  • Beth Hoskins
  • Stuart Bonathan
  • Olive
  • Lianne Cooper
  • Nadia Atia
  • Leah Tremblay-Adams
Wednesday, 27th of July 2016
Led by Sam Lefevre

In the absence of both Jo and a task we made do and ran to Peckham Rye for running, circuits and a game of tag.

With our task having been cancelled at the last minute we may not have had any good to do last night but we did talk about all the ways to get involved in GoodGym like coach runs, upcoming missions, races and monthly drinks.

Fully informed we set off on a 1K jog across Peckham Rye to do a speed/sprint session. I found out in the introduction that it doesn't matter how you describe it, people will not think it sounds like something they want to do. The session in question was some 100m repeats which are designed to improve running technique and efficiency at pace. The aim was to run 100m at 75% of maximum effort, turn and jog back slowly three times. After that there were three reps at 90% effort with a walk back between each one followed by three more reps at 75%. As I watched them walk back it became clear that this session also gives you a great chance to show off your best Reservoir Dogs impression.

With most of the running out of the way we moved onto the circuit section: triceps dips, lunges and our favourite move from Jo's circuits last week the 'stop, don't shoot' (not it's official name). The group was undecided about whether Lianne's double jump made it any easier but it was entertaining to watch them debate it out! Then came a 3x100m relay in which Team Love Hearts beat Team Parma Violets. Closely followed by the fun section, a game of duck, duck, goose. Having watched an explanatory video earlier in the day I was fully prepared to give a lengthy explanation of how it works but thankfully, with it still being fresh in the memory for some, that wasn't required. After a few minutes we realised that standing up quickly is harder than you think but there's still something fun about a game of tag with your mates in the park, no matter how old you are. Our timing on the way back to Old Spike was impeccable, we managed to get in for a stretch and slice of banana bread just before the heavens opened.

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Group Run: DOUBLE TASK - light cleaning and gardening @ Salvation Army Camberwell Corps // fill planters near East Street

Wednesday 18:30 - 20:15
Led by Sam Lefevre

Old Spike Roastery

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